I LOVE this time of year. It’s a time to gather with friends and family, time off from work, virtual galas/parties, traveling (COVID-19 permitted), SHOPPING, and EATING! All of these are wonderful, but it’s so tempting to become caught up in all of the festivities and take things to the extreme. I know I’ve regretted spending too much because of items I didn’t need during Black Friday and/or Cyber Monday sales while also feeling unhealthy after eating one too many pumpkin pies (and not just slices!). So from my own personal experience, I’m sharing how I’m staying healthy and fit during the holiday season from Thanksgiving to New Year’s.
I workout every day. Some days are more intense than others, whether 10K runs at certain speeds/times or power, vinyasa, and/or yin yoga practices. I always try to listen to what my body needs and discern my limitations. I’m not always successful because I can really push myself, so much so that I’m currently being treated for a partial hamstring tear and tendonitis (yikes!). I’m constantly pushing myself to achieve new running goals or master a yoga pose (e.g., handstand). I’m that type of person who needs to seek out my limitations, and sometimes I learn the very hard way (i.e., my current hamstring injury).
So, this holiday season, I’ve learned that being active and healthy doesn’t have to be intense, especially when I’m physically incapable of it while healing my hamstring. I’ve been in physical therapy now for almost 2 months, and I have at least 6 weeks more to go according to my orthopedic surgeon. Thankfully, I didn’t need surgery for which I am so grateful. So these past months, I’ve had to become really creative with my workouts and with staying in shape with limited physical activity.
Thanks to my dermatologist, Dr. Melda Isaac, M.D., I’ve discovered Accufit, a noninvasive activation treatment that strengthens and defines muscles. Whoa! It’s an FDA-approved medical device that administers controlled energy to targeted muscles to trigger the same muscle movements as in activities such as yoga and weight training. Accufit can strengthen the core, glutes, legs, and arms while increasing muscle definition without actually doing any physical activity. Of course I had to try it, especially since I’m not running or practicing yoga at the moment.
I had a series of four treatments within two weeks for my abs, and I saw a visible difference in my core after the first session! There was zero discomfort, zero downtime, and I could resume my normal ab exercises the same day of treatment. Each treatment lasted 30 minutes and consisted of electro-muscular stimulation (see below video). Touch-ups (or follow-up treatments) are recommended 1-3 months after the first series.
Accufit at Dr. Melda Isaac, M.D. has been game-changing for me post injury. It has allowed me to stay in shape and toned while my physical activity is limited. But I’m sure there are many of you, regardless of an injury, looking to get fit or stay in shape when gyms are closed due to COVID-19 and winter weather doesn’t permit outdoor workouts during this holiday season. I cannot recommend more the benefits of Accufit. And if you’re living or find yourself in the Washington, D.C. area, you need to visit Dr. Melda Isaac, M.D., my dermatologist of nearly 15 years! Thanks to her and her amazing staff, I can stay fit and healthy during this holiday season
Strengthening my core!
Zero physical activity!
I’ve learned that staying fit, active, and healthy doesn’t have to be only intense. It’s about achieving balance at whatever level of fitness you find yourself.
Accufit at Dr. Melda Isaac, M.D. pr gifted treatments.